Dear Worrier, H.E.R.O.

Our surroundings are full of continuous movement and unpredictable change in scenery. Whether that be physical, mental or emotional, it worries us. Why? Maybe a lack of control? or the lack of taking control? Control might not be the most harmonious way of describing it but today I stumbled upon some interesting information regarding that of the "Worrier." Who isn't?

Don't worry, be happy is an arduous task but a popular one. Happiness is one of the highest demands in the world, tied with world peace. How can we accomplish these things? Tolerance, not JUST tolerance but zero. In a Tedx talk at Stanley Park by Isabelle Mercier, she expresses that a school bully kept her worrying at the early age of nine years old. In order to "prove" herself to this bully she had to go against well-known standards. Isabelle internally decided that her reputation was on the line and studied what the effects of saying "no" might present leading her to avoid the bully. One night a conversation sparked between her mother and her, when the bully called Isabelle's home.
"Why are you doing this to yourself? If you can't say 'no' to what you don't want, Isabelle, you will never have the time and energy for what you 'do' want."
Not only did she gain the courage to say "no" to the bully, she began reading deeper the rest of her life into the causes of worry vs. having a peace of mind. 95% of Americans wake up worrying about something everyday. It's pretty steep considering the current population of the United States of America sits around 325,450,000. Personally I am a part of that statistic and I am not ashamed but I understand there is more to life than worrying. She breaks the stereotypical worries into some research percentages:

  • 40% will never happen 
    • "Putting a 40% down payment on a house you will never own," pointless.
  • 30% has ALREADY happened.
  • 12% needless worries about our health
    • Consulting with Dr.Google and deciphering you have a brain tumor, t-3 days.
  • 10% petty and miscellaneous worry.
Leaving a whopping eight percent left for 'real legitimate worry.' It kind of blew me away upon listing my own worries and then seperating them into those categories, how true it actually is. 92% of our worries keep us from living in essence, killing "creativity, individuality and performance." Mercier has come up with a formula to help increase happiness and decrease the damage of being a "worry-aholic."
 Its as simple as H.E.R.O. and it really is a hero for the worries. H is for "hush" as a reminder to first, hush the voices and noises. E for the need to "evaluate" and decide who and what you are tolerating. This includes saying "no" when it is needed regardless of how difficile it can be. R representing the need to "ritualize"and keep  yourself at your best. Make an honest effort for the morning yoga or a good soak at the end of the day to do so. Paramount, O stands for "own"ing it. Own your choice to say no. Own your ability to fill yourself with happiness and less worry. In the end, "what you tolerate, you worry about."

What you allow hold over your emotions, thoughts and actions will worry you. That is life, but be the H.E.R.O in your life and stop worrying and start living.


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