Definition of a Hipster.

We all have had that one moment while listening to the radio when surprisingly, a song you stumbled upon that was "new" a couple of months ago is now piecing its way to everyone else's favorite list. Annoying right? How about venturing out giving something new and not-so-popular, then within weeks its the new 411? Its sort of like an "I was there first" type of mentality. Its frustrating to be honest. But I believe there is enough hiptser to go around.
Upon looking up the definition of the word 'hipster', it was initially what I thought. Someone "who follows the latest trends and fashion, especially those regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream."
Click the arrow down and find that the term also applies to low riding clothing. Thats interesting although seemingly unrelated, very related. Hips for the longest time were just child baring not saggy jean wearing. Christina Aguelara, Brittney Spear and even Beyonce publicly popularized the low-riding jean fad. Thus began the "Hips Dont Lie" epidemic.
Like I mentioned before, they seem contrary but a deeper look shows akin. "The'" hipster wanders on the outskirts of society, whether that be music, food and other lifestyle expressions. The other hipster became the staple in the general populous's closet. Remember those aggravating moments when your hidden gem shows up shining over your vehicle speakers? 3 months later? Delve a tad and we find the modern world yearns to be different while at the same time, aspiring to be Beyonce. It comes full circle.
Now, being a true hipster can be quite a nuisance with current standards. It is still worth it especially if you are seeking quality and the nouveau. That being said, its your turn. Ill share a link to how I hipster. Lets see how many of these bands you know! Go do and do it well.


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